Saturday, May 06, 2006

Unconscionable Music

See, we here in the Unconscionable Objector family are working hard to make unconscionability less unconscionable by offering some music reviews that people might actually use. Or not - it just seemed like the kind of thing that would be better on a separate page.

Aside from making an ass out of myself on the Unconscionable Objector blog - and mowing the lawn - my other really big hobby is music. If fact my other half is estimating bankruptcy within three years based on my current rate of compact disc consumption. Throw in some odds and ends, like the occasional set of new speaker cables or a great tube pre-amp and it could be even sooner. We've all got to die from something.

And no, I haven't started downloading music. I'm waiting for someone to be able to confirm that there isn't any sound degradation before I try that.



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